Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Festering sest pool of life...

When you get tripped and fall face down in the shitty festering sest pool of life, the only thing to do is get up, wipe of the stink, locate the rage button and push the freekin hell out of it.

Now, if you find that your eyes are bulging and veins are popping, you're gonna need to vent.

Some solutions are as follows; slamming doors is good, but usually results in repairs, screaming at your loved ones, but then you'll need to grovel afterwards, swearing out loud a lot helps, but then you need to explain to your kid why you have outrageous potty mouth, exercising seems to be the best way to vent, you get rid of the negative vibes and you get your body in shape. I find that slipping on my pink boxing gloves and punching the shit out of by punching bag relieves quite a bite of tension. Whether it's stress from home, money, work, traffic, doesn't matter, the ability to exert negative energy to get a positive result seems like an odd thing to process, but it works.

It's really to bad that everyone near and far can't enable themselves with this enlightening tidbit.
Maybe if we all had gloves and bags the world would be a more congenial place and violence would be just speculative.

There will never be world peace, but if we all work hard enough, and endeavour to be better for ourselves, we might achieve peace, but on a more effective level. In our souls.

That's my collective wisdom for today...

Good night and value your life.

1 comment:

  1. Well "dummy" why didn't you get a dog trainer like dog busters instead or like dad says a ballpeen hamer. Maybe one for the biggest dummy who says they are trained but still dominate you by sleeping in your bed.
